In the 1960s psychologist Stanley Milgram conducted an influential experiment that revealed something amazing about human relationships. Milgram chose people at random in cities like Kansas and gave each a letter with the address of someone they didn’t know in Boson, Massachusetts. They were instructed to get the letter to that person but only by sending it to someone they know personally, who would send it to someone they know personally - and so on. Milgram repeated this letter-sending experiment nearly 200 times. On average, these letters reached their target in just six steps, this is where we get the term ‘six degrees of separation.’ Milgram’s findings demonstrated that despite the vastness of the world, most individuals are only a few links away from each other, highlighting the surprisingly small number of intermediaries connecting us all.
Freenet uses principles similar to those observed in Milgram’s experiment to efficiently locate information in a decentralized way. Each node in Freenet is connected to a limited number of other nodes, and much like in a small world social network, this network structure allows data to be found with minimal hops, even when the network scales to millions of nodes. This efficient discovery mechanism is what makes Freenet both decentralized and highly scalable.
Small World Networks: Combining Regularity and Randomness
Small world networks combine the strengths of both regular and random networks. In a regular network, nodes are primarily connected to their immediate neighbors, creating an orderly but often slow communication structure. On the other hand, random networks have many short paths between nodes, but they tend to be disorganized and unreliable. Small world networks strike a balance between these extremes by featuring mostly local connections along with some long-range links, which significantly reduce the average path length.
To better understand this, let’s look at an animation that visualizes a key property of these networks: Greedy Routing.
Greedy Routing: Finding a Path With Local Knowledge
A defining characteristic of small world networks is their ability to support efficient “greedy” routing. In this context, “greedy” routing refers to a process where each node forwards a message to the neighbor that appears to be closest to the final destination, based only on locally available information:
In this animation, you can observe messages navigating the network using only local decisions at each step. While this approach does not always yield the mathematically shortest path, it is remarkably effective at navigating small world structures. Freenet leverages a similar principle: nodes use their local knowledge to make efficient routing decisions, much like the participants in Milgram’s experiment passing letters through their personal networks.
Comparing Routing Performance: Small World vs. Random Networks
The benefits of small world networks are most apparent when we compare their routing performance with that of purely random networks. The animation below illustrates how both network types route messages between random pairs of nodes:
Small World Network
Random Network
The small world network is shown on the left, while the random network is on the right. Notice how the small world network consistently achieves higher success rates in delivering messages. This is due to its strategic combination of short- and long-range connections, which naturally create efficient routing pathways. In contrast, the random network’s unstructured connections often lead to inefficient, unreliable paths.
In our comparison, a routing attempt is deemed successful if the message reaches its destination within 30 hops. The structured randomness of the small world network ensures more reliable message delivery, whereas the random network frequently requires more hops or fails to find a path altogether.
Scaling Small World Networks: Efficient Growth
One of the most remarkable aspects of small world networks is how efficiently they scale as new nodes are added. In small world networks, the average path length grows logarithmically with the number of nodes, meaning that as the network doubles in size, the average number of steps to reach any node only increases by a small amount. This contrasts with linear growth, where doubling the size of the network would double the number of steps required. This logarithmic growth is crucial because it ensures that even as the network expands to include millions of nodes, the average path length remains manageable.
The next animation shows the average path length as the network grows.
The blend of local and long-range connections in small world networks creates a structure that is both resilient and highly efficient. This pattern has been discovered repeatedly in nature, from social networks to neural pathways. Freenet leverages this natural efficiency to create a truly decentralized and scalable method for sharing information.
Learn more
This article just scratches the surface, for much more detail on how Freenet uses small world networks please watch Ian’s video talk How Freenet Works.