Freenet Ghost Key

Donate to Get Your Ghost Key

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You can also read an introductory article about Ghost Keys, or watch a discussion about it.

What is a Ghost Key?

Ghost keys address a crucial challenge on the Internet: establishing trust without sacrificing privacy. With personal data commoditized by big tech, ghost keys are a way to maintain anonymity while tackling serious problems like bots and spam.

Here’s how it works: when you make a donation to Freenet, your web browser generates a public-private key pair. The public key is then encrypted, or blinded, and sent to our server. The server signs this blinded key and sends it back to your browser, which decrypts the signature, creating a cryptographic certificate that is signed by the server without the server ever seeing it. This process ensures that your identity is not linked to your donation, providing a unique certificate that proves you’ve invested value.

By linking trust to anonymity, ghost keys eliminate the need for cumbersome captchas. They block spam, prevent bots, and secure your interactions, making them a powerful tool for those who value privacy, security, and control over their digital presence.

How Do Ghost Keys Work?

  1. After a donation is completed the browser generates an elliptic curve key pair.
  2. The public key is blinded and sent to the server.
  3. The server verifies the donation and signs the blinded public key with its RSA key.
  4. The server then sends the blinded signature back to the browser, which unblinds it.
  5. The browser combines the unblinded signature with a certificate that authenticates the server’s signing key (known as the delegate key), the donation amount, and the date the delegate key was created.
  6. Finally, the browser presents this certificate to the user along with a corresponding signing key, proving the donation was made without revealing the user’s identity.
  7. The user stores this certificate and signing key safely

How much should I donate?

The minimum donation is just $1, but you can donate however much you can afford. The donation amount will be securely recorded in your Ghost Key certificate, and in the future it’s possible that access and perks on the network will be reserved for those who donate more or who donated earlier. Think of it like a “founding member” club.

How do I store my Ghost Key?

When you first receive your Ghost Key it’s very important that you store it securely, perhaps as a secure note in a password manager you trust.

How do I use my Ghost Key?

You can use our command line tool to verify your Ghost Key and use it to sign and verify messages. Here is how to install and use it:

# If necessary install Rust
$ curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh

# Install the Ghost Key command line tool
$ cargo install ghostkey

# Verify it's working
$ ghostkey -h
Utility for generating and verifying Freenet ghost keys. Use 'ghostkey <subcommand> -h'
for help on specific subcommands.

Usage: ghostkey [COMMAND]

  verify-ghost-key       Verifies a ghost certificate
  generate-master-key    Generate a new master keypair
  generate-delegate      Generates a new delegate signing key and certificate
  verify-delegate        Verifies a delegate key certificate using the master verifying key
  generate-ghost-key     Generates a ghost key from a delegate signing key
  sign-message           Signs a message using a ghost key
  verify-signed-message  Verifies a signed message
  help                   Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

  -h, --help     Print help
  -V, --version  Print version

$ ghostkey verify-ghost-key --ghost-certificate ~/Downloads/ghost-key-cert.pem
Ghost certificate verified
Info: {"action":"freenet-donation","amount":20,"delegate-key-created":"2024-07-30 15:39:26"}