
Building Freenet Apps

Useful Links Freenet User Manual freenet-ping - an example that demonstrates how to build a simple Freenet app Ideas: Open Issues for Decentralized Services Loading...

Core Development

Introduction Welcome to the Core Development page for Freenet. This section is dedicated to the development of the Freenet platform itself, ensuring its robustness, scalability, and efficiency. Whether you’re an experienced developer or a newcomer, you’ll find essential resources and updates here. Useful Links Weekly Developer Meetings July 5, 2024 - Weekly Dev Meeting - Refactoring Connection Handler for Better Unit Testing June 10, 2024 - Weekly Dev Meeting - Gateway deployment, freenet-chat May 24, 2024 - Weekly Dev Meeting - Enhancing Connection Stability and Finalizing Transport Fixes May 11, 2024 - Weekly dev meeting - network integration testing and squashing final bugs May 3, 2024 - Weekly dev meeting - progressing Towards Network Stability Recently Merged Features Loading.